Should you go for Registered Rent Agreement or a Notarized Rent Agreement? Why most rent agreements are signed for 11 months? As per the Registration Act 1908, what is the requirement for registering a lease agreement or lease deed. Let us find out in this hindi video.

We will see an example of Stamp Duty and Registration charges in Delhi for a rental property in Delhi, India.

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क्या आपको रजिस्टर्ड रेंट एग्रीमेंट चुनना चाहिए या नोटरीज़ेड रेंट एग्रीमेंट? अधिकांशतः रेंट एग्रीमेंट 11 महीनों के लिए ही क्यों बनाये जाते हैं? पंजीकरण अधिनियम 1908 के अनुसार, लीज़ एग्रीमेंट या लीज़ डीड रजिस्टर करने के लिए क्या आवश्यकताएं होती हैं। ये सभी हम इस वीडियो में हिंदी में जानेंगे।

दिल्ली, इंडिया के रेंटल प्रॉपर्टी के स्टाम्प ड्यूटी और रजिस्ट्रेशन चार्जेज़ को हम उदाहरण के रूप में इस वीडियो में देखंगे।

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In this video, we have explained:
What is a rent agreement legally?
Should you notarize or register a rental agreement?
For which type of rent agreement document registration is compulsory?
What are the repercussions of not registering a rent agreement that requires compulsory registration by law?
Why people make rent agreements only for 11 months?
What are the stamp duty and registration charges in Delhi for rent agreement?
What are the requirements for lease deed registration as per registration act 1908?
How to calculate the stamp duty and registration charges for lease agreement registration?
Is non-registered or non-notarized rent agreement is valid legally?
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