Let us learn how to invest in Bonds and Debentures in hindi. You can invest in Corporate Bonds or Debentures, Government Bonds or Tax Saving Bonds of Public Sector Units (PSU). There are 2 main ways – (1) Through Debt Mutual Funds and (2) Directly.

In this video, we will understand all avenues through which you can invest in Bonds and Debentures and what kind of returns you can expect.

You can choose to invest in corporate debentures, government securities or tax saving bonds like REC Bonds, NHAI Bonds and PFC Bonds.

Related Videos:
Bonds vs Debentures: https://youtu.be/BdMg5RmMj_0
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Types of Bonds and Debentures: https://youtu.be/5YN_Uo7stms

हिंदी में जानें कि bonds और debentures में invest कैसे करें। आप Public Sector Units (PSU) के Corporate Bonds or Debentures, Government Bonds or Tax Saving Bonds में Invest कर सकते हैं। 2 main तरीके हैं – (1) Debt Mutual Funds के माध्यम से और (2) Directly। इस वीडियो में, हम उन सभी avenues को समझेंगे जिनके माध्यम से आप Bonds और Debentures में invest कर सकते हैं और आप किस तरह के returns की उम्मीद कर सकते हैं।

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In this video, we have explained:

How to invest in bonds and debentures?
How to invest in debt mutual funds to get exposure to bonds and debentures indirectly?
How to buy government bonds?
What kind of returns you can expect in different types of bonds?
What are the avenues through which we can invest in debentures?
What do tax saving bonds mean?
What are the main methods to invest in bonds and debentures?
What is the indirect way of investing?
How to invest in tax-saving bonds?
What are the advantages and disadvantage in an indirect way of investing i.e. through debt mutual funds and hybrid mutual funds?
What is the direct way of investing?
Are government bonds traded on the stock market?
Why the interest rates on tax-saving bonds is less?
How to invest in corporate bonds?
What does buyback facility mean?

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