CRR & SLR are explained in Hindi. Cash Reserve Ratio and Statutory Liquidity Ratio are measures or tools of RBI Monetary Policy that help in controlling inflation and striking a balance with growth.

CRR and SLR help RBI in maintaining liquidity & solvency of Banks and also control interest rates of various loans.

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CRR और SLR को हिंदी में समझाया गया है। कैश रिज़र्व रेश्यो और स्टटूटोरी लिक्विडिटी रेश्यो RBI के मोनेटरी पालिसी के ऐसे मेज़र्स या टूल्स हैं महंगाई को नियंत्रित करने में और विकास में संतुलन बिठाने में मदद करते हैं।

CRR और SLR बैंकों की लिक्विडिटी और सॉल्वेंसी बनाए रखने और लोन्स के इंटेरेस्ट रेट्स को कण्ट्रोल करने में RBI की मदद करते हैं।

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In this video, we have explained:
What is the full form of CRR and SLR?
Which RBI monetary policy tools or measures helps to control inflation?
What is cash reserve ratio and statutory liquidity ratio?
How RBI creates a balance between inflation and growth?
What is the meaning of liquid asset & how it’s related to statutory liquidity ratio?
How RBI maintains the liquidity and solvency of banks?
How CRR and SLR calculation is done?
How RBI controls the inflation in the market?
Why RBI reduces or increases the CRR and SLR?

After watching the video, the concept of statutory liquidity ratio and cash reserve ratio must have been cleared, and on which basis the RBI changes its monetary policy to balance growth and inflation in India. In the upcoming video, we will understand the repo & reverse repo rate.

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