Short Selling is shown in Zerodha Kite with Live Trading Demo. Check the Short Selling Strategy to make profit in Intraday Trading. Open Zerodha Demat & Trading Account here:
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In this video, we have explained:
How can we make a profit when share prices fall?
Short selling live trading in hindi.
How to do short selling in Zerodha kite application?
How can we place short selling orders directly?
How can we do short selling according using bracket order?
Is the short selling risky in the stock market?
When should we short sell?
Can we use bracket order or cover order if stock has high volatility?
Why Stop loss is Important for Intraday traders in the Share market ?
What are the short selling strategies in Intraday trading ?
Short Selling in Zerodha Intraday Trading
Short selling shall be used when you have a clear trigger that stock market in whole (Sensex & Nifty) or a particular stock will fall in a particular day. Sensex or Nifty may fall because of negative news related to Indian Economy or World Economy. A particular stock may fall because of negative news related to that particular company for eg. bad earnings reported in a particular quarter, sector suffering because of some regulation etc.
So, you should be careful while using short selling in stocks.
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